App settings guide

This guide will walk you through the settings in Tblue app with their usages.

This is a broad guide into settings, if you're a merchant that requires assistant with app installation,
please reach out to our support team, they'll get back to you shortly.

As each theme structures can vary from one to another, this guide will explain the basic of settings that you can change to make the app functional in your theme.


Checkout button selector which is a targeting checkout button in your store, this is required to add shipping product to customers cart at checkout, this can be multiple selectors with comma separated eg: (button-1, button-2).

Cart / Cart drawer

Sync cart drawer target this selector is to sync DOM and it need to be the cart item HTML wrapper in cart drawer.

If your store uses cart drawer you'll need to have Enable cart drawer set to enabled.

cart drawer target this is where the widget will be injected in your cart drawer.

Cart page

Cart page widget target this is where the widget will be injected in your cart page.

Sync cart page target this selector is to sync DOM and it need to be the cart item HTML wrapper in cart page.

Subtotal elements target this is to update Subtotal price in cart page or cart drawer. It can be multiple value eg: (selector-1, selector-2).

Claims page

Firstly you'll need to add a page in your online Store, simply head to Online Store > Pages > Add page

Note: the page handle needs be to protection-claims simply set the page name to Protection Claims
Claims page target this is where the claims form will be injected in the Protection Claims Page.